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I wouldn't worry either way. Nintendo's 'blue ocean' strategy will take time to build the legs and critical mass to really go after the mainstream mainstream. Anyone who'se gone through what it takes to get a Wii so far is at least somewhat a gamer, or a very dedicated convert: most people won't bother until they're readily available on shelves. All the early-adopter enthusiasts out there who've snagged Wiis are going to function as ambassadors for the Wii working pro bono for Nintendo: NOBODY can pick up Wii Sports and not want to own it! (quickie: I had a totally non-gamer buddy pop in last night for no other reason than to play this Wii thing he knew I had and everyone is talking about... he's an absolute natural at the tennis: improved my rating significantly playing with my character... and he's going to get the first new gaming console since he was 13 :) Also the DS/DS lite seem to have gone through several cycles of being sold out and available on shelves: hasn't stop them from crushing all competition in the process.