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Smeags, I'm not above buying another one some day. If Kingdom Hearts goes exclusive then... voila. But for now it is not the time. Also I need to clarify, I'm not a fan of 3D metroid. Just don't like it. Played all but Prime 3, not my thing, give me old school any day of the week for that and Castlevania.

TWRoO, I acutally bought the Wii for Zelda. So I was a bit let down. I won't say I prefer 2D Zelda over 3D Zelda but, i do feel that the charm of the series is better translated that way. Actually I just felt something was wrong with Twilight Princess controls aside even. I was frustrated at how long it was taking just to get basic story fetch type stuff out of the way and I didn't like the wolf parts. Just opinion.

Sorry I can't reply to everyone, but thank everyone so far for being very welcoming. Also I'm just unsure on how to properly use the quote system so sorry for that too.