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Pavolink said:

So, casual things sells better? Or I guess that's what the vid intented to say. The main point about how Nintendo made great games but bad hardware is not valid, I don't think people out there will say "OMG 3D World is great! But I'm not going to buy a Wii U!"

If people don't buy a Wii U is because they don't like the games released on the platform. End. Fin. Nothing more to see.

And about PS4, I don't get the comparision. Is the vid trolling the fanbase saying those who bought don't have anything worthy to play?

I dont think its that black and white. even on Ninty's worse selling consoles, there games still put up high numbers. Problem is that its not enough people to push bigger console sales just on Ninty games. And there really arent that much people willing to buy two consoles. So either they get a system with Ninty games and little else or they miss Ninty games and get everything else. Clearly people are choosing the latter.