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Pretty much everything PS4/Xone offer right now such as
----remote play
----Cross Buy
----Cross Save
----Voicechat( in all games and ALWYAYS)
----Video Chat

----Some sort of Snap functionality
----Being able to make Screenshots
----Being able to make Videos
----Editing Software
----Social Interaction (Like FB, YT, Twitch and whatever might be popular in 2017) least offer some cool ones

----Proper Account system
----Proper friend System
----Some sort of subscription(optional or mandatory I don´t care!)

----match making in games
----Video chat
----Streaming in general (build in a friggin proper wifi...not the BS you find on a junkyard)

----Hardware that is almost as powerful as PS5/Xbox2-720 if Nintendo releases new Hardware 2-3 years before Sony/MS else it has to be equal to PS5/Xbox2-720
----Common architecture
----NO BACKWARS COMPABILITY unless its emulation! (Seriously nobody gives a fuck about BC....and those who do have the old console)
----NO crappy gimmick HARDWARE! you can´t really change hardware down the line. So have your gimmicks in Software
----Not 1 TB of a harddrive then (I assume 2017/2018) it has to be at LEAST 2 TB (MS/Sony will prolly have 1-2 TB as a standard)
----Build on the Pro Controller!
----TALK TO THIRD PARTY ABOUT HARDWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are the minimum requirements I have towards Nintendos next gen console as those are the standards Sony/MS set this gen (and this gen is still in its early way to tell whats coming in 2-5 years). So Nintendo needs to match the above stuff (plus 3rd Party support) and add new things I didn´t know I wanted till they showed me(like that whole sharing thing..I love it!).

Yup...RO friggin rocked