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generic-user-1 said:
mornelithe said:

Frankly, I don't see a problem with not allowing for advertising, or free anything, if you feel you're not being given a fair shake.  Now, we can all agree or disagree on the finer points of The Order, but it's his opinion regarding it.  And, if I were to assume the role of a dev who'd worked on a title, and had the perception that said title was receiving undue levels of hatred and vitriol, that's not been seen applied to many other titles, and nowhere near that level of aggression, yeah, I'd be curious why we're doing anything to assist those reviewers in the first place.  It's a perfectly legitimate question to ask, imo.

im for no gaming adds on gamemedia sites, but that that doesnt change that gawkr is a company run by retarded monkeys.

and crying over bad reviews is just stupid. make it like uwe boll, fight em like a man.

(disclaimer, the order isnt as badly written or funny as a boll movie)

Ok, I'm down with that, Andrea Pessino against bad reviewers.  Of course, people will need to sign waivers prior to, so Pessino isn't charged with manslaughter after he kills them.

I mean it's a bit extreme, but I suppose if he ruins their ability to think via repeated concussions, that takes bad reviewers out of the equation.