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Chazore said:
b00moscone said:
StarOcean said:
I do think some Nintendo IPs could go on iOS without killing them. NES/SNES games can go for $5 and under easily and make a ton of money from them. Beyond SNES could be a gray area, but theres no reason for them not to put at least NES games on the smartphone market

I think in order to make consumers buy them, Nintendo has to completely wipe emulators from smartphones, because if they can just get them from there, then they won't pay. However, the problem with that is that it costs time and in businesses time is money, aka they could use that time getting rid of emulators on other stuff like small-scale games like Captain Toad for example, which has been quite a sucess given its budget. But who am i to have a say in what they do, i'm not in the same business as them anyway :P

There's that and the fact that if they were to throw some NES games on there then what's to stop more than just NES games?, I look at this from a consumer perspective, I'd want all the games, if Nintendo so much as drip feeds a few games then I;d want the whole kaboodle, it;s the same thing with JRPG games getting released on Steam, because they are selling and becoming popular PC gamers are wanting more and more and that's natural for how things go when you start drip feeding.

As much as I;d like to see Nintendo branching out I;d rather they not into mobile, mobile gaming is absolute crap and as casual as anything could get, I;d rather Nintendo not taint themselves with the mobile market like Sega is doing and Capcom tried to do, keep their games exclusive to their handheld and give more people a reason to own one than going with various cancerous mobile methods.

Also i believe that Iwata said he will try to bring mobile games to the 3DS for a low price, which i guess is alright for people who want all their games of one system and no ads, but i don't think they'll sell very well as people will just want the same FREE game on mobiles.


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi