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Wonktonodi said:
generic-user-1 said:

i think cruelty is the right way! people with real artistic vision dont care anyway about things that other people say, it just hurts EA and co and those mindless codezombies that destroy gaming with uninspired AAA titles without vision or direction. 


 its not about a genre, if a game things the player is an idiot it should be rated badly, because it insults the player and kills immersion.

and no, its not because of the children, children arent allowed to play those games.  and if they play them anyway they dont need the game to tell em "press X now for jump", children learn realy fast and its not good for them to let their mind idling while playing games.


i dont hate The Order, the game looks realy good and the rest is okay, it was just not goood enough for all the hype it got, THATS a real problem many games had in the last months, and its not the fault of the gamers-they dont spend a looot of money to overhype a game.


and i dont care if the casuals play cod on the ps4 or the ipad 8. well okay, i do care a bit, and i hope they all go mobile. would be better for the ps4 and sony gamers.

You're repeating yourself. Saying it again won't make your opinion any more the only one of value then the other times you've said it.

I agree with what they guy said. If people rate button prompts showing up more harshly than games full of bugs what's the point in sending out review copies? 

I do agree it's nice when prompts like for countering in Batman or uncharted don't show up on the highest difficulty but I'd not expect sites to be giving it 4s and 2s on the low end because of it.

And no if all the casuals left the ps4 we'd have a wii u situation, your hobby needs the casuals much more than it needs you or me.

you shouldnt rate bugs,soundquality or graphic at all, that should be multiplicators. gameplay, artstyle, sound,story, etc should give the points and if a game is realy broken, multiply the scoring with 0,5.  that would be alot better than giving out points for those things.

and its not nice if they dont show prompts, the game is badly designed if it has to tell the player when to press a button with a button prompt.

sure, in the begining its fine, everybody need some time to learn, and the mario bros way isnt soo good for more complex games(and tutorial are boring most of the time...). but after soem time you should know when to press what button.