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A few things:

- SMG is very good. Just as I expected.
- Okami is really cool, though hard to get the actions down right. My wife in particular is having a lot of difficulty with the game. We'll see how it goes as we get used to the Wiimote again.
- Wii Play is all sorts of meh. I'm glad I didn't buy it to get a third controller with my old Wii. I doubt it will see much time in my console.
- Wii Sports is still stupid fun, even after logging dozens of hours with it at launch.
- Ugh. My wife found out about Wii Fit. I swore up and down that I wouldn't give Nintendo money for that damned thing but now it appears there is no way out of it.

Overall, I hope I don't get tired of the Wii like I did earlier. I don't think I will because there are several games I want to play for it now. Overall, I still prefer the 360 but the Wii should be a great complimentary system, just like it was before the great game drought of 2007 that turned me away from the system and left it untouched for three months. At least it will never serve as a $600 Blu-ray/DVD player (here's looking at you, PS3).

The system would be a lot better for me if Nintendo didn't intentionally cripple the online system and half-ass the execution so badly. 

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