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Samus Aran said:

Lol, that just shows how awful Nintendo's marketing is, not that the mass market isn't interested in Nintendo's games.

And that's a sales chart, not a scientific study. A sales chart of Nintendo's consoles btw. We're talking about their games, not their consoles.

If Nintendo ever decides to go third party they'd easily be the biggest third party developer in the world. But I guess the mass market doesn't care?


If they can't sell their new consoles, they can't sell their new games.

The constant mantra on here is, games sell consoles.

Ergo, if their games aren't selling their new consoles, people clearly don't want their new games...

As for Nintendo going third party, not necessarily. SEGA shows that third party can just show diminished status leading to lower quality leading to irrelevance. 

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.