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Call me crazy but I love the junction system and the GFs and how they relate to the games world and story.

I laughted at you saying you dont loose on triple triad anymore, wait till you get some very screwed up rules and start loosing to completly worthless junk cards.

Refresh my memory here, what are the events at the end of disc 1 ? I think its the one Im thinking but if I say and it isnt itll spoil it for you.

Also have you played FF X, cause if you havent you should after IX, its anothe one that divides opinions but I also love it.


artur-fernand said:
BraLoD said:

Nailed it!

Well, I'll be looking foward to it.

Don't listen to this person, he thinks BLITZBALL IS GOOD, Jesus Christ.

Never bothered with Tetra Master to be honest. And only played Triple Triad because that gives some insane rewards.

I think Blitzball is good as well... and I prefer Triple Triad over Tetra Master.


Ps: eu não sabia que vc era brasileiro, arruma uma conta da PSN americana e joga Xenogears cara o jogo é bom demais, a história é fenomenal, só que tem dialogo pacas tipos Metal Gear level de diálogos.