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Veknoid_Outcast said:

There are shills out there. There are fanatics with a tenuous grasp of the English language masquerading as journalists. This I won't deny.

But Rhymer's idea is not the answer. The better alternative is to fix the problems that haunt the medium, many of which, let's be honest, orginate with the undue influence of publishers on the media.

Another problem, and one that has popped up repeatedly in this industry, is the misdirected venom of myopic fans who browbeat the media only when their favorite systems and publishers face criticism. This is an enormous problem. Until consumers can stand up for what's right instead of defending their own, nothing will ever improve.

The media needs to change.

The attitudes of gamers needs to change.

I actually really like the question he asked.

Let the gaming media get it's ad revenue from somewhere else. Complementary media to what the main target audience of their sites and shows. Without actually having what they cover directly being advertised there. Movies, tv shows food drink but not the games themselves.


Something else though that really needs to change in the media is the click bait articles. They are sometimes slightly funny from irony at best but usually are disingenuous, spread misinformation and bring down the level of dialog.


As for gamers we need to stop repeating click bait articles. Treat other gamers and those in the industry with more respect and civility. Stop wishing for things we don't like to fail, and focus more on complaining about games that are broken and less about games that aren't to our taste. It's not a zero sum game. It's not always one game type or another.

Especial these forums with the order, I've never seen so many people who don't like the genre to begin with and don't own the systems seem so excited and post so much about how they don't like it and are glad it's reviewing poorly. The order isn't going to make or break cinematic games. It's success or failure won't get the studio making games for other systems.


I'm ranting sorry