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sundin13 said:
theprof00 said:

If I was a grocery store owner and I looked at the sales of marshmallow cereals, I wouldn't necessarily think that the main consumer was 30 year olds.

Nielsen actually tracks who the users are, instead of the purchasers. You think it makes sense to track who's credit card is being used on eshop?

I'm just saying that telling someone "the Wii was played by a lot of kids" is fairly obvious and useless information in this situation. I do not think that this information is sufficient to conclude that Nintendo is unable to keep its fanbase interested. We have the information that I posted about the Wii U's demographics, and we have additional information like with Pokemon games saying a large part of the audience is in the 19-24 demographic (aka people who grew up with Pokemon) collected from Club Nintendo surveys:

Also, did you look up where my demographics information came from? I assumed it was from NNID registration which asks for the user's gender and (I believe) is required for use of the Wii U eShop. Did you find information indicating otherwise?

I feel like you're taking different data sets and concluding that they mean the same thing.

However, we are going to disagree about the pokemon data, because I believe that pokemon is one of those games that I'm talking about. A series that has the passion of the gaming community. People who grew up with it are still playing it. Second of all, pokemon is a handheld franchise primarily, which isn't even what we're talking about.

Lastly, I haven't found anything stating where Unity got their numbers for the wiiU demographic, but I do know that the console has to be registered online for purchases. I can't say either way whether the information is valid or not.

I have nielsen telling me that the main user is kids, and I have a possible eshop registration saying males in their thirties (coincidentally, the primary age group of males with children aged 6-10) and you ask me which do I believe, and I'd say nielsen.