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Samus Aran said:
theprof00 said:

That is massive cherry picking.

in generations where both a 2d and 3d were released, 2d sold better, except in one scenario, of which there are 3


That's such a specific data-set it might as well be useless.

That's my point. 2D Mario sells better than 3D Mario. Has nothing to do with being remakes of old Mario games (which they aren't). The only thing that proves is that people like 2D Mario more than 3D Mario.

Really? BEcause 3d mario outsold NSMB2, among other games.

Second of all, you point out that people like 2d mario more than 3d. While I agree, you're missing the crux of my argument which is the STAGGERING numbers NSMB put up. I'm looking at the raw numbers, and you're looking at the positions. Almost 60m in sales in a single title on 2 systems. It has outsold EVERYTHING else. It's a "reimagining" of the original Mario. It's like all that matters to you is that it's 2D and it's a spot above another game. If that's all you care to look at, fine, discussion over.

I on the other hand, believe that Mario has many many many millions more fans out there than are purchasing the software and hardware. Again, most people I know who talk about mario will go out and buy a used n64 or SNES rather than buy the new system with the new game..unless of course, that NEW game, IS the old game. THAT is my point. Nintendo has millions upon millions of fans, but those fans don't support their new games.