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theprof00 said:
Samus Aran said:

New Super Mario Bros on the DS sold 30 million copies lol. Good luck finding me a franchise that can pull off those numbers on a single platform. Well, a non-Nintendo franchise. ;)
And I really doubt the average age of Wii U owners is 6-11.

You might as well ask why Dark Souls isn't outselling Uncharted.

Um, that was my point. New super mario outsells every other nintendo franchise by a lot. What is nsmb? It's a mario 1 remake. People bought it because they wanted to relive their past. I bought it on ds too. And I don't buy mario games.

And I'm pretty sure the numbers are accurate.

Asking why a REALLY new franchise isn't outselling a more established franchise?

That's the opposite of me asking why an established franchise isn't outselling a new franchise.

Like I said previously. Everyone knows mario and zelda. Why don't the numbers reflect that? They sell really well, but I could go out and ask anyone who mario is and they would tell me. Now you look at sales and mario does well, but not as well as exposure should dictate. Then a remake of the classic comes out, and it outsells every recent mario put together?

No, it's a new game. 2D Mario games always sold better than 3D Mario games. The only exception is Super Mario 3D Land.

And I'm pretty sure the numbers are bullshit, there's no way the average age is 6-11. You'd need a good amount of 1 year old gamers for the average to be so low.