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I am pretty much done with most gaming journalism, and also with a big part of the gaming community.
the reviewers are hypocrites, and the community consists mostly out of dicks who overreact no matter what game or news story comes along and hardly ever contribute to the community in a usefull way.
titanfall, destiny , evolve and many other games in the last year or so, were all kinda mediocre games that did some things right but some definitely not. just like the order but there are no honest reviewers out there , or at least not a lot. because if there were, these games would have all gotten mostly the same bad press as the order did. but if you say something like that people call you a sony fanboy, xbot , retard , gay , they will rape our whole family, call a swat team or what ever. or as a reviewer you probably make less money.
you can sum up gaming nowadays as lies for the sake of profit, childish behavior, overreacting, doom and gloom everywhere.

and I know people might read what I just wrote and may be like "well you are overreacting and are doom and gloom yourself"
well maybe , but maybe I am just tired of searching for the good comments , the good discussions and the good people in the gaming community.