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theprof00 said:
Samus Aran said:
super_etecoon said:


Except TP outsold every Uncharted game.

Since when is Uncharted such a low prestige ip? You make it sound like it's just some rubbish ip made by nobodies lol. Uncharted is much more mainstream than Metroid, hence it sells more. Uncharted games are linear, cinematic and not too hard. Metroid is a hardcore game. Uncharted is a casual game (and I don't mean this as an insult).

Well, we also don't know digital rates, but I digress.

I'm not saying it's low prestige. I'm saying the are way more fans out there for zelda..

Again, my example...why is it that new mario games (while doing very well) cannot outsell some other franchises, while a remake of the first mario game can blow every other franchise away.
Nintendo fans think of their developer like a mother. Current mainstream gamers look at their favorite devs like a significant other.

While you love talking to your mother/whatever, it's not always on your to do list. Getting laid however...

Do you really think people don't buy mario games because they're not casual enough? Like galaxy being spherical etc...? It's because the old fans want nostalgia, not nintendo.

I know I always bring up this controversial survey, but why do you think that the main gamers on nintendo platforms are 6-11?? The older gamers disappear for whatever reason..and I don't mean they don't exist. I mean they don't support the company.

New Super Mario Bros on the DS sold 30 million copies lol. Good luck finding me a franchise that can pull off those numbers on a single platform. Well, a non-Nintendo franchise. ;)
And I really doubt the average age of Wii U owners is 6-11.

You might as well ask why Dark Souls isn't outselling Uncharted.