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Hello people!

I've lurked for a while and felt it was finally time to join up.

Somethings bother me though and I just wanted to share my views and opinions:


First off, I am NOT a fanboy of any particular company.  Sure, I only own a 360 and GBA at this point, in addition to PC laptop and Mac but I had to clarify I'm not a fanboy.


In the past I've owned Atari 2600, NES, SMS, SNES, Genesis, Sega-CD, Phillips CD-I, Saturn, N64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, Xbox 360 as well as too many gameboys to count, a Lynx, Game Gear, DS and PSP. I've also games on PCs since the Commodore 64 and only recently decided to give up the constant upgrade struggle and use my computers for more productive things like video editing, graphic design and internet.


That right there should make the point for me. Like many though I get sick at this constant arguing and fighting.  Since when does owning one system mean that all other systems are severe crap? Since when did sales get to the point that ONLY the market leader is considered a success? I just never understand it, if you don't like something then don't like it, great, why spend time ragging on the people who do? When I grew up, console wars invented Sega vs. Nintendo, know what me and my friends did? We just got together with our different systems and had parties playing them ALL.


It just bothers me is all, but I understand it to be the way things are now days. To end this I wanted to give feelings on current systems and my opinions of them, JUST my opinions.


Xbox360: My console of choice and obviously my favorite.  I don't love MS, I type this on a Macintosh.  That said I think MS has contributed greatly to videogaming over the last 8 or so years. I currently see the 360 as the greatest line up, right now, and absolutely LOVE the controller and online interface. I understand the PS3 may have more raw horses under the hood but I find it utterly amusing that last generation Sony argument was "better graphics, more power... doesn't matter, we have the games." and this generation it has turned to "better graphics, more power... does matter even if they have the games." and overall I find it funny. If you go back even further the argument against Dreamcast was the same, "Were more powerfull." and it dang near killed Sega with the hype.  Regardless, 360 offers me what I want as a gamer, so I back them.


PS3: I just don't see it right now. I always buy my Sony systems well near the end of their life cycles when I can pick them up cheap and enjoy tons of cheap games.... obviously that isn't the case right now.  That aside I've just never been a huge fan of Sony's exclusive stuff, loved Metal Gear on Nintendo, hated the Solid transition... prefer Splinter Cell as the spiritual successor. But I won't lie, stuff like GTA and Rachet are all right, just not system sellers for me personally. Square actually has tempted me to the playstation brand more than any other but recently I've realized I don't "need" final fantasy to get my RPG fix. Allthough I can see myself picking up a PS3 one day and playing FFXIII... that day is a long way a way, as is the game itself.  But I understand why people like Playstation systems, just not my first choice as a gamer.


Wii: Here I'll catch the most flack. I don't like the Wii.  Sorry, I don't... and yes, I had one.  Wii sports aside I got no love. If flailing your arms about wildly translates to inovative gameplay for you great, have fun.  To me it's gimicky and all I could think with Twighlight Princess was.... lord..... just give me a gamecube controller compared to this crap.  Of course response to that from some people was, you can play it with the gamecube controller, and my response.... yeah, you can also just play it on the gamecube and save money. I am a Nintendo fan though, always have been, I love metroid and zelda games, mario is pretty good.  In the end though a few high profile games a year is not enough to tempt me to keep a system whose controller I do not even like. And I look at the Wii shelf and I see one or two hardcore games and 60 barbie princess type crap titles that ususally get horrible review scores.  Does no one find it funny that on the NES Nintendo would ONLY allow a certain quality to their games and were notorious for monitoring that and on the Wii at least a good 80 percent of the library looks like pure crap? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so hard on the Wii, I LOVED the virtual console and play my gameboy religiously, but I like a controller, analogs... buttons.... laying in bed with my head propped up relaxing while I play my games.  Wii is the opposite of that and if I want to get fit I'll just go jog at the track.


Brief Handhelds of Current Gen.:

DS is like mini-Wii to me, and YES I had one of those too and really tried to like it, in the end I wanted traditional controls, not playing almost every game with a dang stylus. Plus I prefer the GBA Micro because it is perfect to slip in a pocket and has old school titles I like.

PSP in my opinion is probably the best of the two, I know that strikes disagreement but just my opinion.  Loved the games, loved the features, first Sony system I ever bought on day one. Traded mine in because of a "I need gamestop credit stat!" situation but fully plan on buying the slim version someday soon.


Well that's it, can't imagine anyone read all that. I do love this website though.  Just wanted to contribute something.