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US gaming publication Games Industry has published a rather interesting and lengthy interview with former Sega America CEO Tom Kalinske. The interview includes Tom talking about the video game industry in general and also the unfortunate decline of Sega. Kalinske also mentioned that he doesn’t believe Nintendo should give up on consoles or hardware, but he does concede that they should perhaps bring some of the iconic IP to iPhones or iPads. He believes they should do this to keep the brands relevant with younger and older consumers.

“I don’t think [Nintendo] should give up hardware or consoles,” Kalinske said. “I am surprised that they haven’t formed a division to extend the IP. I’d love to play some of their games on my iPhone or iPad. It’s really a form of marketing for them in a sense. They wouldn’t even need to make that much money off it, but it would keep their brands relevant with the users, including people that are older, like me. So it seems to me it’s a marketing mistake, but I don’t think they should give up what they’re doing because they’re damn good at it.”

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