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WhiteEaglePL said:

The overhyped bad quality/unexpecdly not high-enough quality games DO NOT flop or fail or bomb BECAUSE they are over hyped and over advertised. Watch, Order will sell 3m+


I think the failure of Wii U is due to Nintendo's failure making it and Nintendo's failure at maintaing a fan base. Because if someone is a PS fan(especially if for more than 1 gen), they would probably buy the next PS and desirability by mass is already great before release, compared to the teeny tiny quickly-declining population of Nintendo fans & Kids who don't play games designed for 16+ year olds just to fit in and play with most of thier friends which started doing that already because of slightly older kids playing the same thing. No, seriouslly, primary school children of year 4 play the same things as secondary year 11 children here in the UK dump.

This is the truth.
And stupid sells, like Flappy Bird and a minority of stuff on PS/XB. The Xbox is in between PS & N.

I live in the UK too, and i really feel the same thing too, where primary and secondary school kids play Call Of Duty because its 'The Cool Thing' to do, and almost every boy in my year (Year 10) plays those kinds of games, which really makes me question the future of gaming because if the majority of the gaming community is going to buy the same rehashed are overhyped games and be satisfied with it, because in the end if companies can make money on it that is the only thing they will make, and even worse is that even right now I only know about 2 people in my YEAR who owns a Wii U, or plays something over than the games dark and grey FPS shooters and things like that, which means that already the UK has been taken over by this frenzy.  But honestly, its a shame :(

I really hope Nintendo can turn this around so (This might sound contradictory) 3rd parties will publish those games on their next console so people can realize that FPS shooters or dark and 16+/18+ games are not the only games on the market and other games are as good/better.


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi