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To me the Souls games have the best combat. I would like to see Zelda games go more towards that direction.   Sure the combat is mostly geared towards 1v1, but if you use a great weapon like an Ultra Greatsword with sweeping attacks you can easily group up enemies and dispatch them at the same time if you are familiar with the game.

In terms of difficulty, Zelda games are far too easy, though they are satisfying experiences. Zelda 1 and especially Zelda 2 were difficult and it meant something to beat them or acquire some tough to get item. I liked how Hero mode was available right from the start of Wind Waker but the beginning of the game was a bit too frustrating with only 3 hearts and having to respawn so far away in dungeons (until you open up the warp cauldrons). There could be more careful balancing in the future. Bosses are always just so simple and in no way memorable. I can pretty much name and describe every Souls boss and some of their attacks. I can't really do the same with Zelda bosses.

In some ways I feel like the Zelda series has passed the torch to the Souls franchise, but I'm hoping that Zelda U reignites that flame again.