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Uncharted 2 was 8-10 hours long (not rushing, but not completing everything either).
Did it prevent it from being stellar ? Nope.

I remember some games that were beatable in about 5-6 hours with not so much replay value in the 90s.
As long as the experience is good, I'd say roughly 10 hours is enough.

Now, it's always better to have longer games with more replay value (TLOU can be freaking 20 hours long, for a TPS it's huge), but it's not THAT bad is it's a little short.

The main flaw with The Order imo isn't its length, but the fact that they took too much of the player's involvement with their cinematic approach.
Mixing video games with movies is an interesting thing, but you can't ignore the basics of the genres. A game has to involve the player. Take that from him/her, and he/she might be bored.
It seems to be the case for some people.

I personally loved it, even though it's definitely flawed. The story, the characters, the music, the ambiance (the hospital is amazing), the lore... I was sucked in. But I also was frustrated at times, I wanted to play more of the game, and watch it less. (a 7.5/10 for me, looking forward to a sequel)




Got a bit off topic in the end, sorry about that. 

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.