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Million said:
superchunk said:
Legend11 said:



 Firstly the logic isn't wrong it just isn't complete , the Wii has effectivley created a bigger market for itself to sell to , it apeals to people who traditionaly never played games as well as casual and hardcore gamers , it's pretty much selling to everyone.

What I won't accept is that the Wii has the same capacity to apeal to the hardcore gamer that the PS3/360 does. Using anecdotal evidence Wii games just aren't apealing to male 17 year olds , I go to college and most of the talk is about PSP , PS3 and XBOX 360 you'll mostly hear "DS" or "Wii" come up in conversations when girls or teachers are involved ,(now for the fact) it's well known males aged 12-30 spend more on games than any other market segment hence Microsoft SW outselling Wii SW in america despite it's lower install base.


Graphics are far more than an add on , i'd go as far as to say that they are part of the gameplay they help with the realism , immersivness and believability of a game . If Graphics wern't important to the Gamer then we'd still be talking about N64 and PS1. 


Plain n Simple if the PS2 would have had PS1 graphics i'm absolutley sure it wouldn't have won last gen to the extent it did , the XBOX and GC would have sold 30-50% more. 



 1) I also go to college, and empirically (a study some psych major did with random sampling, etc - much more scientific than your friends), the Wii won among BOTH genders.  It was less strong among males, but it still won. There was a slight difference between Freshmen and sophomores-seniors; perhaps because they are still closest to the 13-17yo demographic that the PS3 and 360 are stronger in.

 2) As a college-aged male, most of my conversations are about Wii/DS.  Equally as anecdotal as yours, and equally as meaningless.

 3) With regards to "it's well known males aged 12-30 spend more on games than any other market segment", I think I will let Arrested Development speak for me:

Gob: Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold right here on this boardwalk than anywhere on the OC?

Just because only one market is being served doesn't mean that others won't buy games if they are made.  The Sims, Nintendogs, etc. all prove this; the fact that more young males buy games is more a statement about the games being made than anything about the gamers.

4) In america, MS has a higher install base than the Wii.  It should still sell more software.  The fact is (there's a thread about this somewhere, i am too lazy to provide a link) that the Wii is only being outsold 2-6% on a per-console basis.  It's not like the Wii isn't selling software, or the other consoles are vastly superior w.r.t attach rates.  They are only slightly better, which is erased by Wii's growing userbase (and, IMO, Wii's older, more affluent user base [per NPD] means that they will likely have more disposable income to spend on games, which may lead to vastly superior LTD attach rates by the end of the generation).

5) We do still talk about N64 vs. PS1... or did you mean they would still be the consoles out there?  There are other economic reasons to upgrade consoles cyclicly, such as the fact that as a console ages fewer games will sell large numbers.  The industry will likely remain cyclic until such a time as new consoles don't sell, regardless of graphical increases in the generation.

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)