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superchunk said:
Legend11 said:
superchunk said:
yeah, right.

So when Wii has near 100m (2009/2010) and are nearing 60% market share. Epic will choose PS360/PC only. hahaha. Not unless they are getting big kicks from MSony.

Does anyone really think the casuals fueling the Wii's growth, you know the ones that are buying it solely for Wii Sports or Wii Fit or Wii Cheerleading or whatever are suddenly going to start buying games like Gears of War? At the end of the day the hardcore gamers on Wii will very likely never even come close to matching that of the PS3/360/PC and those are the gamers that Epic is targeting.

Add to that the fact that Epic is already making money off those systems and finds them extremely lucrative especially with licensing of their game engine to many developers on those platforms. It would be the same as basically saying that Blizzard will be forced to make Wii games because of the Wii's future installed base, even though they're already doing very well with their current platform.

When will this little fantasy of PS360 girls and boys end? Wii only has soccor moms and grandparents who only buy Wii Sports/Play/Fit...bah it sucks...bah hardcore, i.e. real, gamers are on ps360's...bah I'm a 15-25 yr old male who can only play shooting games.... bah stupid gay dog he he he.

Seriously, when will that irrational and plain wrong logic end? When the Wii reaches 100m units sold? When the attach rate is higher than all the others? When these 'hardcore' games, i.e. shooters, come out for Wii enmasse and are selling at higher rates than PS360 versions?

 Firstly the logic isn't wrong it just isn't complete , the Wii has effectivley created a bigger market for itself to sell to , it apeals to people who traditionaly never played games as well as casual and hardcore gamers , it's pretty much selling to everyone.

What I won't accept is that the Wii has the same capacity to apeal to the hardcore gamer that the PS3/360 does. Using anecdotal evidence Wii games just aren't apealing to male 17 year olds , I go to college and most of the talk is about PSP , PS3 and XBOX 360 you'll mostly hear "DS" or "Wii" come up in conversations when girls or teachers are involved ,(now for the fact) it's well known males aged 12-30 spend more on games than any other market segment hence Microsoft SW outselling Wii SW in america despite it's lower install base.

Epic is stupid and srtsighted. You don't have to see the hair on your character's chinny chin chin to make a good game. Sure its a nice add-on, but great realistic graphics are just that, ADD-ONS. I really hope Conduit is a AAA title that proves once and for all a ground up Wii 'hardcore' title belongs on Wii as much as Wii Cheer does.

Graphics are far more than an add on , i'd go as far as to say that they are part of the gameplay they help with the realism , immersivness and believability of a game . If Graphics wern't important to the Gamer then we'd still be talking about N64 and PS1. 

What made the PS2 great? Was it Final Fantasy series, GTA series, or the hordes of games similar to mySims. I'd say it was all of them. It will be the same for Wii.

Plain n Simple if the PS2 would have had PS1 graphics i'm absolutley sure it wouldn't have won last gen to the extent it did , the XBOX and GC would have sold 30-50% more.