Mr Puggsly said:
Well I agree some of this. Its a game that people will probably appreciate for story and setting. I honestly don't think great visuals are the primary reason people will want The Order. People will buy The Order hoping for a good shooter. Maybe the developers didn't know what they wanted to make. They wanted to tell a story like Quantic Dreams or Telltale... but there is more money shooters. Maybe Sony should have been forthright about what kind of game The Order is. Sony got people excited for a shooter but disappointed them. It sounds like you enjoyed the story, but the critics seem to have mixed feelings on execution. |
Absolutely! The plot itself is very intruiging and the graphics/sound helped sell me on a story that I found to be overall incredible. I cannot explain without spoiling it however. The execution worked for me but I realize that I am in the minority in terms of critics. I am praying for future sequels nonetheless.