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Looking good but I'll remain skeptical. I'm concerned that so much seems locked to camping; that this will limit players' ability to customize their experience.

Maybe I'm just critical, but considering how long we've had to wait for this game, the state of console JRPGs, and the disappointment after XIII, most I think would agree that it isn't quite enough for this game to be just "good" or "great" - it has to be excellent. We want back the days where Final Fantasy was a fundamental part of the Playstation experience, where it drove huge hype and added diversity to an increasingly Western-oriented library. We want back the highly innovative gameplay, the memorable stories, the fantastic music. We want back the excitement - for it to be a must-own JRPG like Pokemon, for it to get several nominations for GOTY, for people to always be talking  about it...

A lot is actually riding on this game. I think this article sums it up pretty well:

If this game doesn't meet its lofty expectations, Japanese devs could become afraid to invest into console development and the eastern presence could dry up somewhat. Considering a lot of these games don't come to PC (or at least there's along wait), that might damage consoles' ability to rack up exclusives which differentiate them from PC, especially the PS4. Than we get stuck with mostly first-party games which vary in quality and take long times to come out with present-day development costs and cycles.