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Regardless of whether or not they were flawless in their execution of their vision (Which they were not), it still doesn't change the fact that it was flawed to begin with. There are other story driven games that take time to build proper gameplay mechanics and ultimately create a good gameplay experience. RAD seems to have skipped out on that... Maybe too much of the budget was spent on visuals, or maybe they simply didn't care to provide stellar gameplay to compliment the stunning visuals. I'll go with the second option based on the previews and interviews. I won't even mention story, because it certainly isn't mind-blowing.

The biggest problem though is they want to charge $60 for this... That's insane for the content they provided... It might have better value at a lower price point. It's ultimately bargain bin material.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC