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Ruler said:

Yes ps4 exclusive so far even look better than pc-games on maxed out settings, you cant deny that by looking at the games. Only crysis 1 maybe looks better if you know what mods you have to install but then again i said this generation not the 7th-gen. And its a fact that pc has no tripple A exclusives anymore but is soley relying on multiplats based on the console versions.

Now by saying that i am not in any way saying that ps4 is stronger than the strongest pcs but the ps4 exclusives arent avaible on pc and therefor the ps4 has the best looking games who would probably run better on pc with higher frame-rate etc, but of course there are not avaible on pc in the first place.

And yes people buy new consoles to have better graphics in the first years thats how its always has been, if gameplay is more important for you then its better to stick to last gen as it has tons of good games still left who come out or good games you and me havent even played yet.


PC has games that are running on max setting in 4K and at 60fps. How is an (essentially) tech demo with black bars technologically or graphically impressive? Not saying that the PS4 has horrible graphics, but saying that the PS4 has better graphics than high-end PC is just flat out wrong.

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