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sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

It's actually very easy for me to see why the PS4 is ahead. I'm a person who doesn't care about Sony or MS I don't have loyalty to any company (just sold my PS4 to go back to PC gaming). I had a 360 last gen and enjoyed it. With that said when I made my choice the PS4 was easy beacuse it was more powerful which it has proven time and time again and it was cheaper. While I agree the exlusives so far have been underwhelming (although I thought infamous was great) the X1 isn't realeasing anything that's amazing either. So when you have two systems with neither having a must have exlusive the easier choice is to go with the cheaper and more powerful option.

At the end of the day people buy multiplats more  then anything. No one wants to hear that their system/games are inferior to the competition regardless of how big of a differnce it is.