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dsoverpsp said:
disolitude said:

In software sales? Not really... Maybe if you count bundles but keep in mind that Nintendo's profit on those is nothing or really small. (wii sports, wii play, links crossbow)

In any case, even if wii takes over the software sales in NA I am pretty confident that 360 wont "die". LOL...

yeah the 360 won't die

but the Wii is gaining on the 360 in Software. Basically every week, Wii sells more SW

 I don't see it man...

Last week 837,860 vs 766,150 for xbox

April 5 week - 994,293 vs 977,240 for wii

March 29th - 1,151,962 vs 929,416 for 360

March 22 - 1,606,412 vs 1,427,420 for wii (Smash brothers pullin in big numbers...)


April 29th when GTA comes out the chart will surely put 360 well ahead. They basically go back and forth but wii includes bundles which makes no profit for 1st party companies or 3rd party companies as its not an actual sale of a software when its included for free...

Hence 360 wins in software "sales" every week.