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Hi everyone, and welcome to the second in a series of the PS4 play club.

For this episode, we will be all playing "The Order 1886" and talking about what we like about the game and experiencing it somewhat together.

If you'd like to join in the discussion, please pick up the the game, and post whatever you want...aside from these small rules below. :D

There are a couple rules for discussion:
1. Please do not spoil parts of the game for others, unless you're talking about tips or tricks, or things that work well for you. No story spoiling.
2. Try and stick to the schedule. Some people play faster than others, and that's ok, but it's best if we all play and experience it together.

Schedule guideline:
week 1
who cares!? Game is over in 3 hours. Play it as many times as you can :D


Hope to see you all soon!