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Aeolus451 said:
Captain_Yuri said:
Aeolus451 said:
jizz, where can you get full versions on those games in the states?

Hmm you can get it from an online store called DLsite but I wont link you the exact thing or else it will be against the rules otherwise, you can generally buy the steam edition + do a sex scenes patch which you can find on google or just download the full version from "download" sites

Thanks. I was curious because a lot of anime is edited heavily for americans. So it's difficult to find full japanese versions. I figure that the games were the same way. 

Most anime isn't heavily edited for Americans but rather for TV broadcast regulations in Japan. We tend to never get uncensored versions though as those are restricted to Blu-rays and the companies tend to not want to license out uncensored material in addition to that having a hard time to properly sell in the US. There are subgroups that do sub the uncensored versions but sub groups have been dying out a lot with the advent of Crunchyroll and Funimation. 

On the topic of games, major channels like Steam censor nudity when it's the primary point (i.e. Visual Novels) so, if you get them from there, you need to check if there's a mod for the uncensored version or instead buy it from the distributor themselves like Mangagamer and  JAST USA 

I do wonder about mangas though as those should be fine. Last I heard, Monster Musume is really doing well in the US but I haven't checked it out yet

My Hummingbird

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