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There are a lot of answers in this thread, but what I would like to know is how Nintendo controls the retailers price. During their "monopoly" in the NES/SNES days, and in the Wiis heydays, they probably could exert a great deal of influence over the retailers.
But in these days when some stores even choose to not have Nintendo on their shelves how can they hinder the shop-owner of getting rid of his small stock of Wii U games buy lowering the price. The shop-owner has already payed for the physical copy, I guess, so he could sell it at a loss if he wants more profitable merchandise replaceing the slow selling Nintendo games.
So, again, my question is: how are Nintendo able to control the price at every retailer? What methods are the using to keep the price high even if it means the shop owner has to reserve a lot of shelf-space during a long time-frame with a very slow income.