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Mystro-Sama said:

Seriously, i've always wonder this. Even months after a game has been released it still maintains it's release price, and even if it does fall it only falls by like $5.

Like WWHD which is $50 on Amazon:

Or Tropical Freeze which is still also $50

And unless no one has noticed the Wii U isn't exactly in the best position.


  • Good working product with value.
  • No SAMEY game that comes out 12 months later that competes with prior game.
  • Also their games marketing focus is on the game itself NOT on its presentation e.g. the visuals. newGame will be different from oldGame. With third party its usually newGame will look better than oldGame and since alot of their marketing goes into visuals thats a problem. (how do you convince someone to buy the older worse looking outdated game? You dont so you drop the old games price since PRICE is the only factor that can compete with NEW&BETTER)
  • Since Nintendo does not drop prices and Nintendo gamers feel no hurry to go and buy the game day1 they are used to buying the game full price even months later. For me it does not matter if I buy a game day1 or 5 months later the price is the same so I do buy it when I feel like doing it. And thats good because this way I dont get a "Fuck I just paid twice as much for that game shit." I simply hate paying more than needed so I love Nintendo's approach.
  • Nintendo gamers are more patient. (you just dont have a gaming community that moves from this years to next years game. The games are played for years so NO group/peer pressure)
  • also Nintendo games usually are GOTY/Complete editions day1 (thats changing tho which is sad IMO) So you dont have to slash the normal editions price to compete with the DLC crap or editions that include DLC.

This is also why third party has a problem with Nintendo. They suffer from sequelities (compared to Nintendo who bring a sequel to another platform and usually NOT to the same system). Third party games usually lack polish and feel samey therefore they compete with last years game.
Because of that competition they usually drop prices before the new game comes out and again thanks to that alot of people wait for the games to drop in price. Also  because of the marketing hype most of their customers feel they need to have the games day1 or early as possible to be "cool" or be part of the hype/event/launch period. (if you buy Fifa 15 2 weeks before everyone buys Fifa 16 you wont have anyone to play with. So to prevent that from happening you automatically give in and buy the thing)

  •  3rd parties expect alot of their sales within the first 3 months and ignore most other sales (because hated BARGAIN hunters and NOT impatient customers)
  •  Nintendo gamers feel no need to buy a game early and because of the devaluation due to the price cut just waiting for the game to go down in price which WILL happen is not a big deal for patient people. I do get my third party games that way no matter if PS3 PS4 XBO 360 WiiU 3DS etc. Why would I pay more than needed? and more than the devs/publishers think their product is worth in the end? Third party hates people like me and even tho I buy the games my sold copy does not count since its not in their 3 month time frame".