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JustBeingReal said:

The game sold 3,698,137, out of all of those people that bought Reach 105,861 bought an XBox 360 alongside the game, 28% of the people that bought the game, bought a console because of that game, pretty small compared to the number of people that actually bought the game.

Considering we're talking about the ability to push HW sales up, vs the amount of software sold it's not a big increase.

I can go on for each game in the Halo series, Reach and 4 had the biggest effect, pretty narrow minded of you to only look at the effect of the 2 games that had the biggest effect on hardware sales in a whole series and use them as the standard, when the majority of Halo games don't have that level of effect, look at Destiny as an example of system selling effect, that game sells like 2.2M in software and moves 440K in hardware, it's the ratio of software to hardware sales I'm talking about.

I'm not failing at anything here (BTW it's you're when you're saying you are ;) ).

It's not hypocritical at all to point out facts, you're insinuating that Halo will drive hardware system sales up when it's release in some huge way, I'm saying that won't likely be the case for Halo 5, because the very people that play Halo have already bought an XBox One, the audience was already on the platform, not just for Halo, but for other games and Halo is one reason among many reasons for why those people already bought an Xbox.

The most you can say about Halo is that it sells very well, calling it a system seller isn't accurate in any way.

We are not talking about the ability to push HW sales up vs the amount of software sold, only you are. I'm simply stating that Halo is a system seller, no hidden meaning, no smoke and mirrors, random reasoning or weak comparisons.

We've already been over this, I'm not talking about how much the game sells, I'm talking about how many systems people buy because of the game, why the **** would it matter how many games sold in proportion to the hardware? I am not talking about game sales here, I am talking about how many systems Halo sells due to its existence and the answer is, on the first week alone, sales rise by over 55%, never mind all the people who buy Xbox for Halo before and after release.

Zelda, Mario Kart, SSB, Gears of War, Halo, MGS, CoD, GT, GTA, Pokemon, MH, FF...all these games sales are MUUUUUUCH higher than the hardware they launch on first week but also have big effects as far as hardware boost goes. Stop going on about a games sales not matching hardware and actually look at how much of a spike these games give their consoles because going by your definition there is no such thing as a system seller.

It is hypocritical to point out facts when they go against what you are saying. I am not saying Halo will drive Xbox sales on just release in some huge way, I'm saying Halo is a system seller and there's zero reason to think Halo 5 will be any different.