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Problem is, your choice doesn't just affect you. By not vaccinating, you're enforcing the consequences of your choice on other people's kids, putting them in danger as well. Every person that doesn't vaccinate lowers herd immunity, potentially placing millions of people at risk should it fall low enough.

And the mortality rate for Measles is waaaay more than "0.000015%", it was measured at 0.3%, or 3 in every 1000 victims, in the USA between 1987 and 2000.

As for whooping cough, it kills 5 in every 1000 infected infants

And those are the figures for first world countries; in the third world it's vastly worse.

And once again, autism and vaccines are not linked:

Sorry My numbers are usa based and no one in the USA has died from meassles in the last 10 years but over 100 meassles vacine deaths.

Also Iam not comparing if you have and die from it, it's actualy getting it and dieing from it.  There has been around 100 deaths a year in the USA from getting a diesease with a vacine with 320,000,000 that's 1 in 3,200,000 people. 

Millions at risk?  What about car accidents?  There's more car accidents in the USA then getting a vacinable disease.  Should we ban driving?  It puts more at risk. Do you go to work sick or to the store to get meds?  That's puting people at risk too.  You can't stop all risks.   Heard imunity?  Aren't Vacines supose to keep you from getting the diesease?  The ones that do get it are all the unvaccinated ones anyways right?  Have you heard about the overuse of antibotics.  From it now antibotics are not working when they used too because it mutated to survive and adapte.  There already seeing it happend in vacinable diseases because of vacines.  

Also high levels of Aluminum are linked to nurologicaly damage including autism.  They already started fading out amounts of mercury for the same reasons. I already gave you a link to the FDA site showing adverse effects and autism being one of them, so if it's "scientificly proven" why is it still there?  Here's another link about research on aluminum and autsim.

Also like I said don't judge something you don't understand.  I never said I haven't vaccinated my kids you just assumed.  I can still vacinate but choice what to and what not to.  I also have many friends that fully vacinate and don't at all and partail do.  Suport all of them in there decissions and don't try and persuade them one way or the other.  It's there choice.  

Now if there's a severe deadly true outbreak ( not a extremly small amount of people with no deaths) I would defently get that vacine if I didn't already have that one after researching the one with lesser of the dangerous chemicals.