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Ka-pi96 said:
small44 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Does it really matter? We know people bought it for that, we know it had a lot of casual games as well, singstar, eyetoy & guitar hero comes to mind. It had plenty of casuals...

Best selling games still hardcore.

We have 0 proof that people buy it for DVD

I personally knew people that bought it as a DVD player. It doesn't prove that a lot of people bought it for that, but it does prove at least some did.

Edit: Also, it doesn't matter what the top selling games are. Nobodies trying to argue that it was a casual console. But it did get casuals buying it and certainly wouldn't have made it to 150m without them.

Not just a few of your friends bought the PS2 for a DVD player.  I managed BestBuy stores back when the PS2 launched and most of its lifetime.  The buy it for a DVD player was so prevelent, Best Buy had training sessions for our employees on it.  Most people will remember, the PS3 was/is the Best bluray player at the lowest price when it was released also.  That was my excuse to convince my wife that I needed one.  "look honey, it is a bluray player and a game console". 

That point aside, that doesn't mean those buyers didn't become gamers.

It is near the end of the end....