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RolStoppable said:
I don't see why not at this point in time. We have seen no real recovery from the Xbox One, so if the PS4 continues to gobble up former Microsoft market share, 100m isn't that high of a goal when last gen the PS3 and 360 moved about 180m units combined (I know they aren't quite there yet, but the systems are still selling). 100m is even possible with a probable decline of PS+Xbox gen over gen.

But there are a number of factors (length of gen, new IPs failing to drive hardware sales, the third party industry going bonkers with DLC and microtransactions to the point that the audience makes a stand for a change) that could make it possible for the PS4 to fail reaching the 100m mark, so I won't call you delusional.

I'll cross you off my "IToldYouSo!" list then.

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