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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
vivster said:

Not trying to jump the gun because of sub par January sales. Just a quick check what's the current average estimate here.

I'm still sticking with my sub 100m prediction that I had since launch, with only VR having the potential to bring back enough casuals to beat it. I know I'm in the minority with this.

I'm considering VR a non factor till we get price points and or public demos. Tech's expensise and doesn't look casual friendly right now. Not to mention VR isn't exactly new and has never pentrated anything but the hardcore market technical limitations nonwithstanding.

Me too. VR is currently Schrödinger's Casual Bait. It's both potentially successful and a non-starter at the same time. Until we see the price and device integration to collaps the function. I have absolutely no clue how it will be received by the public when it eventually releases on a proper platform.

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