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Ka-pi96 said:
small44 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Does it really matter? We know people bought it for that, we know it had a lot of casual games as well, singstar, eyetoy & guitar hero comes to mind. It had plenty of casuals...

Best selling games still hardcore.

We have 0 proof that people buy it for DVD

I personally knew people that bought it as a DVD player. It doesn't prove that a lot of people bought it for that, but it does prove at least some did.

Edit: Also, it doesn't matter what the top selling games are. Nobodies trying to argue that it was a casual console. But it did get casuals buying it and certainly wouldn't have made it to 150m without them.

Ps2 is 50 millions over 100m do you think 50 millions buy a console for DVD or few casual games

Let's talk about ps3,ps3 sold 85 millions according to vgchartz ,ps3 dosn't have a lot of succesfull casuals games ,ps4 only 15 millions more to top 100 millions it's not that difficut to do that.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m