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padib said:
NiKKoM said:

Ugh.. I watched it now and i can see why there is an age restriction on it.. People will be upset if you call stuff fake when they have family members or friends Dying out there.. People i know died in the MH17 plane crash.. If a youtuber calls that fake i would be offended and i would flag the video.. But still you can watch it and he could just upload his own video's on his own website if he's worried about censorship.. There is no gun to his head demanding that he uses youtube.. Freedom of speech? Then get your own website and hosting..

... the video I linked you to was about the Jordanian pilot, not about the MH17 plane crash. What are you talking about?

Also, Google is a broadcasting platform and unless something is seriously questionable, should not be meddling in the censorship of material, unless they are trying to conceal the truth. That's what's at issue here.

Jeff C (from freeradiorevolution) was one to say that the ge235 plane crash was NOT a hoax (in case you were confusing it with the MH17 crash). Don't "ugh" me when you have not the slightest clue what you're on about. 

Haha.  Dude, look up Freedom of Speech, then look up Freedom of Association.  Freedom of Speech covers you from a Government or entity of the State, impeding your ability to speak your mind.  Freedom of Association, allows any person or group (let's call it a business) to associate, of their own free will, with whoever the fuck they want to associate with.  Now, take a wild guess, who Google has no desire to associate with?  And Google resides in the US, so any and all attempts at litigation would end up being thrown out on the very Amendment you seem so anxious to parrot (Freedom of Speech and Association are both part of the First Amendment in the US Constitution).

Mr. Batshit crazy conspiracy theorist, has no legal right to put any videos on youtube, that youtube and it's parent company Google, have no desire to associate with.  End of story.