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Egann said:

I wouldn't go "I feel all tingly" for someone who is nearly a complete stranger, and as you are 17...let's just say take your own feelings with a grain of salt. It feels like the world and your happiness for forever is at stake. Trust me; it's not. 

I would, however, say "hey, I really enjoy being around you and I would like to get to know you better. Can I take you out to *insert shared activity here*."

Just don't be pushy or appear needy and you will be fine.

Another thing; if she says no, it's not a big deal. She doesn't know you well enough to reject what you really are; all she's rejecting is the impression of you she's gotten from your limited interaction. That's not really you. Don't think of it like it is.

Good reply

at the bolded specifically - that is a fantastic perspective


A tactic I've used successfully many times goes something like this "I don't know you very well but you seem like someone that has potential for me to be interested in as more than friends. I'd like to hang out sometime and get to know you better." Granted this works better I've found with confident women, they hear they only have potential in your eyes and many seem to want to prove it's more than just potential, they are the real deal.  Now if a girl is shy she is much more likely to turn away from this subtle challenge. I really don't know enough about her to peg her one way or the other so bear that in mind.


Good luck my man.