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People are outraged because if the shooter was muslim people would be saying "See islam is dangerous" especially with this no go zone rhetoric that has been spewed recently.

If the shooter was black it would be "See black people are thugs, oh but they wont protest about this one".

If the shooter was hispanic it would be "Check his papers, probably an obama voter, close the borders".

But the shooter is white so he gets the benefit of the doubt and he doesn't get called "Thug" "Savage" "Terrorist" "Rag Head". When a black or arabic muslim or hispanic person commits a crime the entire black, arabic muslim or hispanic race has to condemn it and bare the burden of the crime for the rest of their life.

Yet when a white criminal commits a crime, whites never have to condemn it and they never have to carry the burden for the criminals in their race. That is why this situation is getting so much outrage by society because it's hypocritical.

Not all whites are racist
Not all blacks thugs
Not all arabic muslims terrorist
Not all hispanics illegal criminals who are obama voters