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JustBeingReal said:

Halo 3 sold 12 million units up until now, but no Halo game released after that pushed numbers higher than that.

The games released after Halo 3 weren't system sellers by themselves, rather Halo 3 and a combination of releases made their sales happen.

As far as the "huge sales" comment I was talking about single games and their ability to move hardware. If a game by itself moves multiple millions of units of a console by itself, that's a huge system seller. Halo 3 being the biggest seller and 1st Halo game on Xbox 360 was the system seller, the subsequent releases did well because of Halo 3 and said subsequent games both being on the system.

Halo 5 will be the Halo 3 of this generation, but I doubt it's going to be close to Halo 3 for units sold or have the same kind of effect on hardware sales as Halo 3 did for the 360.

In the past I had to have a 360 because I wanted to play Halo 3, but I decided to wait until more games were out, this generation I can gladly wait until other games are released for the XB1 before I will be willing to get one.

Only the die hards are the ones that must jump to buying the system because Halo releases on it.

Just like me most people will wait until there is a library of content they want, to make the investment in the platform worthwhile, a single £40-$60 game, with a campaign I'll play through once and a multiplayer I won't touch isn't enough for me to buy the system. Most people think about the full package the platform has to offer nowadays.

All the Halo's after Halo 3 only boosted hardware because Halo 3 existed? Am I reading this incorrectly or what? Because sales boosted quite a bit the week each of the Halo's released, common sense would dictate that the 360 systems sales rose on those weeks because Halo is a system seller. It seems like your trying to come up with random reasoning for why the system boosted so much in one week when each of the Halo's released but there's a simple answer; Halo is a system seller and that's that.

How do you know only the die hards are the ones that must jump to buying the system because Hale releases on it? How many people do you have compiled into your survey (I'm assuming you have one...not)?

And how do you know most people think about the full package when games like AC: Unity/Rogue released just last year are among the most knowingly bugged and incomplete game and still went on to sell 10 million units?

A better reasoning would be the same reasoning why all the other Halo's sold such huge numbers, Multiplayer with friends and a bumping community.

Halo doesn't sell systems because Viva Pinata or Forza or GTA exist on the console, Halo has always been able to sell on its own, the original Xbox is major proof of this.