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DriveClub was only partially messy, I mean, the main game was not buggy, and you could just play it on the main campaign... sound worked, there was no glitches, and it performed as intended... until you tried to join/make a club or anything related to online, which is something many do not bother with to this day.

Not to completely dismiss it, the outrage let me get some cars and events for free! yes! and it was finally resolved.

I think Halo:MCC is more akin the Battlefield 4 in therms of annoyances, the local play has issues in both (lost saves, some checkpoints not registering, trophies not loading, sound problems, local coop performing so bad it can barely be played) and the online is broken, well people wait what hours to play online? granted some issues are partially fixed, but man...

Assassins Creed:U seems to be just a mess, pop-ins all over the place, performance makes it unbearable, character falling though the floors into the abiss, NPCs behaving strangely (this is common in Ubisoft games, apparently not to this level) ...

Now all these games have ardent fans who will come here and say they played them and loved it anyway, it's fine, some of those problems do not affect everyone (I know, I am a big fan of DriveClub!)... But honestly what's worse, a game that glitches all the time in many ways, performs badly, does not get fixed, etc. I would say Assassins Creed:U seems to be the worse of them, the problems are very visible and on PS4 it's one of the handfull of sub 1080p games available, along with possible the one with the worse frame rate problems (after the initial patch anyway, since the version on the disc runs unlocked and it seems to do a nice job at it in many areas) ... Halo:MCC is hard to tell, I personally don't play MP and even if there are problems with the campaigns of all the Halo titles in there, it seems to be playable for a lot of people, some of these problems would probably never be noticed by many, unless you are affected by the cound glitches in Halo 3 (achievements not unlocking is sad, but hardly game breaking) ...

So the crown goes to Assassins Creed:Unity!