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Soundwave said:
Nuvendil said:
I find that to be *extremely* unlikely. Even the Wii, the epitome of the "light on power, high on unique traits" was 100% more powerful than the Gamecube, making it noticeably more powerful than the Xbox. Just not nearly as noticeably more powerful as the Xbox 360. Plus, making a console that is a good bit more powerful than the PS4 by 2017 or 2018 wouldn't even be expensive. So no, highly unlikely.

It wasn't actually. The Wii was a 50% overclock of the GameCube (CPU and GPU) with triple the RAM. 

Nintendo basically charged 2.5x the price of the GameCube for a system that was moderately overclocked and had a different controller in the box. lol. 

Consumers sometimes ... dress something up in a shiny new package and sometimes they fall for it. 

Closer to reality than many realize. 

It wasn't broadly disseminated, but the original goal for the Wii was to be able to set the MSRP at $99 on launch, making the controller and of course the software interface, the only significant changes to the previous generation.