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The problem with Nintendo is even if they put 5960X and 980 SLI inside their consoles, they have alienated the 3rd party developers so much that they need to completely reevaluate their approach.

1. They need some differentiating factor for online. For example, since Sony and MS tend to charge more for online games, Nintendo should charge 10-15% less for new online game sales. Instant market differentiator.

2. To lure back 3rd parties, Nintendo should offer more favorable royalty rates.

3. Nintendo should be working on their key 1st party titles so that Mario, Zelda, Metroid are on the console at launch and within 6 months. Get that install base as high as possible.

4. Offer fully upgradable hard drive like PS4 and have a traditional controller that lasts twice as long as PS4's.

5. Keep online gaming free but make it robust like PSN/Live. Offer subscription based online with free games.

6. Let your friends access your gaming library remotely to try out any game for 2-3 hours. Steam allows Pc gamers to share games with up to 10 friends!!