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Kami said:
curl-6 said:

I ain't taking that bet, there's a fair chance it will be...

It's really up to timing. If the Console comes out in the next 2 years then It might be stronger unless nintendo tries the cheap rout and opts for a really cheap GPU. But I can't see nintendo going with something Weaker then the Jaguar. Since AMD has come out and said they are making Pumas for a 'consumer' the CPU side will atleast be stronger. With DDR4 out Nintendo could go that rout but I doubt they will put 8GB of DDr4 in one box. Maybe around 4 or so. 

My real conclusion is that It could possible be an x86 APU Puma. Probably with something like 2 to 4gb of DDr4 and a CPU with around as many shaders and such as a PS4. Faster CPU, Faster Ram, and On Par GPU would make Nintendos Next console ahead of the PS4 but only slightly. 

I can see this, more powerful cpu than PS4, similar graphic and 8GB DDR4 ram, seems to me pretty realistic.

I think next Nintendo console will be comparable with PS4, similar like Wii U vs PS360, but I dont think will be weaker, probably little stronger, and probably stronger cpu, because cpu is weakest part of PS4.


Soundwave said:

The next console will be less powerful than the PS4 because 

1.) It will be using the same components as the next handheld, just souped up. So it'll be able to probably run games at 1080p, but they'll still look similar to Wii U games (much like the GameCube > Wii situation). 

2.) I don't think Nintendo wants graphics any better than the Wii U. The games are already expensive enough to make that you can bankrupt a studio with even PS3/360 level visuals. Nintendo games look great on the Wii U as is, I think they're quite content with that level of visuals and don't have much interest in making a COD or Destiny or Gran Turismo or NBA 2K killer where graphics and realism matter. For Mario Kart? Something even just double the Wii U with more RAM would give you a gorgeous looking game.

The next Nintendo console will be similar or more powerful than PS4 beacuse:

1. Vith Wii U there target was 720p/30-60 fps without AA, vith next console the target will be 1080p/60fps vith AA.

2. They will want similar architecture and power like PS4 because third party, easiest way for porting and developing multiplatforms.



Soundwave said:

Too little, too late. 

The PS4 and X1 will be passing 80 million combined install base by fall 2017 (the soonest Nintendo could realistically mobilize a full generational leap from the Wii U and still have actual software to play on it). 

Same thing that happened to Wii U would happen to your proposed system, people would ignore it. The PS4/XB1 have their established online communities (XBLA, PSN) and will have a headstart of hundreds of games in their library by then too. By then both systems will likely have had further price drops too. 

No one is going to give Nintendo a participation ribbon for showing up 4 years late to the party.

Wii U had much bigger mistakes then time of realase and hardware power, like terrible name and marketing (there still some people that think that Wii U is gamepad addon for Wii), bad launch, game droughts, no third party support...

I am pretty sure if Nintendo don't repeat that same Wii U mistakes and again release similar PS4 spec console, just this time around 2-3 years before next PS/Xbox consoles, will be selling much better than Wii U.