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Soundwave said:
Nuvendil said:
I find that to be *extremely* unlikely. Even the Wii, the epitome of the "light on power, high on unique traits" was 100% more powerful than the Gamecube, making it noticeably more powerful than the Xbox. Just not nearly as noticeably more powerful as the Xbox 360. Plus, making a console that is a good bit more powerful than the PS4 by 2017 or 2018 wouldn't even be expensive. So no, highly unlikely.

It wasn't actually. The Wii was a 50% overclock of the GameCube (CPU and GPU) with triple the RAM. 

Nintendo basically charged 2.5x the price of the GameCube for a system that was moderately overclocked and had a different controller in the box. lol. 

Consumers sometimes ... dress something up in a shiny new package and sometimes they fall for it. 

I can only go by the latest estimates of real world performance differences that I could find.  If those are inaccurate, then I will leave it to you to compose some letters to those fine people among the infamous "they" who are so grievously in error and correct them.