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Soundwave said:

Yeah but like soda sometimes u feel like a coke or go for sprite one day or feel like a milkshake choice is good even if u only have one console least u have a choice we dont want a dictatorship.

Also Nintendo is kids games Sony boss yosp said this we need nintendo but for the love of god there next console needs a sensible controller and graphics near the others consoles.

Sometimes choice is overrated for consoles. 

I don't want four or five different disc formats for my movies (Blu-Ray is just fine). Even having two (Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD) was incredibly annoying. I don't need or want four or five different Netflix style services. 

Choice is alright, but at the same time a lot of good people at Sega lost their jobs and a lot of great franchises and a great company went under basically due to competetion. If something even remotely similar is Nintendo's fate -- meh. I'll take the alternative please. 

Nintendo need to do what sony did with the ps3 make new franchises theres alot of talent and imagination at nintendo let them of the rails, look at naughty dog have done, ready at dawn, bungie.

Nintendo yes a new mario kart & zelda, but not so many 2d/3d platformers as this genre doesnt sell well little big planet, knack, mario 3d  all sold poor.

I wish nintendo had bought rare back in the day things would be maybe diffrent now, hell the should get timesplitters 3 id buy one.