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First off, MH isnt a game for everyone, try the demo if you can but even then the demo cant do it justice.

First few hours will be the toughest when you are learning the ropes. The hardest part of this is which type of weapon to use and how to use all combos and dodges/blocks masterfully. Avoiding damage is ESSENTIAL for the tougher hunts.

You will need to do hunting of same monsters as well as gathering/mining to get enough materials to make stronger weapons and armour. Can get tedious but if you find the combat fun then it wont be a chore as you can gather while on the hunt.

You will mainly use a Wiki to research about which weapons you want, which armour set you want and where the rare materials are. Other than that Wikis are really helpful for gunner classes as they take more know how to use.

You will HAVE to constantly change armour and weapon elements in order to dish out more damage while avoiding the most damage you can sustain. You wouldnt use a fire weapon against a fire monster while wearing an ice based armour *shudder* youre gonna have a bad time if you do that.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda